Thankfulness — Being Grateful to God Sunday School Lesson Plan For Toddlers

Lesson Title:

"Thankfulness — Being Grateful to God"

Bible Theme:

We should always thank God for His love, kindness, and blessings!

Bible Verse (Toddler Version):

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good." — Psalm 107:1 (Toddler-friendly paraphrase)

Main Point to Repeat with Kids:

"I can say 'Thank You' to God!"

Story: "The Thankful Heart" (Toddler Version)

One day, Jesus met ten sick men who needed His help. They had a disease that made them stay far away from other people.

They called out, "Jesus, please help us!"

Jesus told them, "Go show yourselves to the priest." As they walked away, they were healed! Their sickness was gone! 🎉

But guess what? Only one man came back to say, "Thank You, Jesus!"

Jesus was happy that the man said thank you, but He asked, "Where are the other nine?"

Jesus wants all of us to have thankful hearts! We can say "Thank You" to God for food, family, friends, love, and everything He gives us.

Activity: "Thank You, God!" Sharing Game

How to Play:

  • Have kids sit in a circle.
  • Pass around a soft ball or stuffed animal.
  • When a child gets the ball, they say, "Thank You, God, for ____" (examples: food, toys, mommy, sunshine).
  • Encourage kids to think of different things to thank God for!

Craft: "Thankful Hands Tree"


  • Construction paper (brown for tree, different colors for leaves).
  • Scissors and glue.
  • Markers or crayons.


  1. Trace each child’s handprint on colored paper (this will be the "leaves"). 
  2. Cut out a tree trunk from brown paper. 
  3. Help kids glue their handprint leaves onto the tree.
  4. Write (or help them write) "Thank You, God!" on the trunk.
  5. Talk about how each leaf is something we are thankful for!

Song (To the tune of "If You’re Happy and You Know It")

If you’re thankful and you know it, say, "Thank You!" (Thank You!)
If you’re thankful and you know it, say, "Thank You!" (Thank You!)
If you’re thankful and you know it, then your heart will surely show it,
If you’re thankful and you know it, say, "Thank You!" (Thank You!)


Closing Prayer (Repeat After Me Style):

Dear God,
Thank You for loving me.
Thank You for my family and friends.
Thank You for everything You give me.
I love You!

Optional Take-Home Note for Parents:

Today we learned that God loves when we have thankful hearts! Ask your child to show you their Thankful Hands Tree and talk about all the ways you can say "Thank You" to God every day!

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