The Good Shepherd — God Takes Care of Us Sunday School Lesson Plan For Toddlers

Lesson Title:

"The Good Shepherd — God Takes Care of Us"

Bible Theme:

God is our Good Shepherd, and He takes care of us like a shepherd takes care of his sheep!

Bible Verse (Toddler Version):

"Jesus said, ‘I am the Good Shepherd.’" — John 10:11 (Toddler-friendly paraphrase)

Main Point to Repeat with Kids:

"God takes care of me!"

Story: "The Good Shepherd" (Toddler Version)

Sheep need a shepherd. A shepherd helps keep them safe, warm, and fed. The shepherd leads the sheep, watches over them, and makes sure they don’t get lost.

The Bible says God is our Good Shepherd — and we are like His sheep!

Jesus told us, "I am the Good Shepherd." That means He loves us and takes care of us every day.

  • When we are scared, He is there to help us feel safe.
  • When we are lost or don’t know what to do, He guides us in the right way.
  • When we are hurt or sad, He comforts us and gives us love.

Just like a shepherd takes care of his sheep, God takes care of us!

Activity: "Follow the Shepherd" Game

How to Play:

  • Choose one child to be the Shepherd and the rest to be the sheep.
  • The sheep must follow the Shepherd around the room.
  • The Shepherd can say, "Follow me to the green grass!" (Kids pretend to eat.)
  • "Follow me to the water!" (Kids pretend to drink.)
  • "Follow me home!" (Kids run back to a certain spot.)
  • Talk about how we should follow Jesus like sheep follow their shepherd!

Craft: "Cotton Ball Sheep Craft"


  • White paper or sheep cutouts.
  • Cotton balls.
  • Glue.
  • Crayons or markers.
  • Googly eyes (optional).


  1. Color the sheep’s face.
  2. Glue cotton balls onto the body to make it fluffy.
  3. Write (or help them write) "God is my Good Shepherd!"
  4. Talk about how God watches over us just like a shepherd watches his sheep!

Song (To the tune of "Mary Had a Little Lamb"):

Jesus is my Shepherd, too,
Shepherd too, Shepherd too!
Jesus is my Shepherd, too,
He takes care of me!


Closing Prayer (Repeat After Me Style):

Dear God,
Thank You for taking care of me.
Thank You for loving me.
Help me to follow You.

Optional Take-Home Note for Parents:

Today we learned that God is our Good Shepherd and takes care of us just like a shepherd takes care of his sheep! Ask your child to show you their sheep craft and talk about ways God takes care of us every day.

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