"Sally The Bunny Learns To Give" Spring Sunday School Lesson Plan For Toddlers

Spring Sunday School Lesson for Toddlers

"The Little Bunny Who Learned to Give"
A Lesson on Generosity and Sharing (2 Corinthians 9:7)

This fun and engaging spring Sunday School lesson for toddlers teaches little ones about the joy of giving and sharing with others—through the story of Sally the Bunny, who learns to be generous! With a toddler-friendly Bible story, hands-on craft, movement game, and a catchy song, this lesson is perfect for springtime in Sunday School, preschool, children’s church, and homeschool.

Lesson Title:

"The Little Bunny Who Learned to Give"

Bible Theme:

God loves when we give joyfully!

Bible Verse (Toddler Version):

"God loves a cheerful giver." — 2 Corinthians 9:7 (Toddler-friendly paraphrase)

Main Point to Repeat with Kids:

"I can share with others!"

Story: "Sally the Bunny Learns to Give" (Toddler Version)

Sally the Bunny loved collecting carrots, berries, and little treats. She gathered and gathered, making a big pile of food just for herself.

One day, Sally saw her friends in the meadow. Some didn’t have enough to eat. They looked hungry and sad.

Sally hugged her pile of food. She didn’t want to share. "What if I don’t have enough for myself?" she thought.

Then, Sally remembered something her mother told her: "God loves when we give to others!"

So Sally picked up some carrots and berries and gave them to her friends. They smiled and thanked her!

Something amazing happened—Sally felt happy inside! She realized that giving and sharing made her heart feel full!

From that day on, Sally always shared with others, knowing that God loves a cheerful giver!

Activity: "Bunny Hop Sharing Game"

How to Play:

  • Place small plastic eggs or toy carrots around the room.
  • Have kids hop like bunnies to pick up the items.
  • Each child must find a friend to give their egg or carrot to!
  • Keep playing until everyone has shared with someone else!

Craft: "Caring Bunny Pouch"


  • Brown or white paper bags
  • Bunny ears cutouts
  • Cotton balls for the tail
  • Crayons or markers
  • Paper strips to write ways to share


  1. Help kids decorate the paper bag to look like a bunny.
  2. Glue cotton balls for the fluffy tail.
  3. Let kids write or draw pictures of ways they can share.
  4. Fill the bunny pouch with small paper "gifts" they can "give" to others.
  5. Remind them: God loves when we give joyfully!

Song (To the tune of "London Bridge")

I can share with all my friends,
All my friends, all my friends!
God loves when we give with joy,
Yes, He does!


Closing Prayer (Repeat After Me Style):

Dear God,
Thank You for loving me.
Help me to be kind.
Help me to share with others.
I want to give with joy!

Optional Take-Home Note for Parents:

Today, we learned about Sally the Bunny and how she learned to share and give joyfully! Ask your child to show you their Caring Bunny Pouch and talk about ways you can give and share as a family!

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