Jesus Calms the Storm — Trusting God When We’re Scared Sunday School Lesson Plan For Toddlers

Lesson Title:

"Jesus Calms the Storm — Trusting God When We’re Scared"

Bible Theme:

Jesus is always with us, even when we’re scared.

Bible Verse (Toddler Version):

"Do not be afraid. Trust in Jesus!" — Mark 4:40 (Toddler-friendly paraphrase)

Main Point to Repeat with Kids:

"Jesus is with me when I’m scared!"

Story: "Jesus Calms the Storm" (Toddler Version)

One day, Jesus and His friends got into a boat to cross a big lake. Jesus was so tired, so He laid down and took a nap.

Suddenly, the wind started to blow really hard! The waves crashed against the boat! The disciples were so scared!

They woke Jesus up and said, "Jesus, help us! We are going to sink!"

Jesus stood up and said, "Peace, be still!" — and right away, the storm stopped. The water became calm, and the wind went away.

Jesus asked His friends, "Why were you so afraid? Don't you trust Me?"

The disciples looked at Jesus and said, "Wow! Even the wind and the waves listen to Him!"

Jesus showed them that He is always in control, and we don’t have to be afraid because He is with us!

Activity: "Storm or Calm?" Game

How to Play:

  • When you say "Storm!" — kids wave their arms, pretend to be blowing wind, and rock back and forth like a boat in a storm. 
  • When you say "Calm!" — kids stop, fold their hands, and take a deep breath.
  • Keep switching back and forth to remind them that Jesus can make our hearts calm too!

Craft: "Jesus Calms My Storm" Boat Craft


  • Paper plates (cut in half for boats).
  • Blue construction paper for waves.
  • Stickers or cutout Jesus pictures.
  • Glue and crayons/markers.


  1. Let kids color their paper plate boat.
  2. Glue the blue paper waves to the bottom.
  3. Add a picture or sticker of Jesus in the boat.
  4. Write (or help them write) "Jesus is with me!"
  5. Talk about how Jesus calmed the storm and helps us when we’re scared!

Song (To the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat")

Blow, blow, blow the wind,
Blow so wild and free!
Jesus spoke and calmed the storm,
Just for you and me!


Closing Prayer (Repeat After Me Style):

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for loving me.
Thank You for being with me.
Help me trust You when I’m scared.

Optional Take-Home Note for Parents:

Today we learned that Jesus is always with us, even when we’re scared! Ask your child to show you their boat craft and talk about times when they can trust Jesus, just like the disciples did in the storm.

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