God Made Me Special — God’s Wonderful Creation Sunday School Lesson Plan For Toddlers
Lesson Title:
"God Made Me Special — God’s Wonderful Creation"
Bible Theme:
God made each of us wonderful and special!
Bible Verse (Toddler Version):
"I am wonderfully made." — Psalm 139:14 (Toddler-friendly)
Main Point to Repeat with Kids:
"God made me special!"
Story: "God Made Me Special" (Toddler Version)
Did you know that God made you?
He made your eyes, your smile, your hands, and your feet!
God made you just right — and there is no one else like you!
The Bible says, "I am wonderfully made." That means God made you perfectly special!
When you run and play, God smiles because He made you strong!
When you laugh and sing, God smiles because He gave you a happy heart!
When you help a friend, God smiles because He put kindness in your heart.
So when you look in the mirror, you can say, "God made me, and He loves me so much!"
No matter how big or small, no matter what — you are special to God.
Activity: "God Made Me Special Mirror Game"
How to Play:
- Pass around a hand mirror.
- Each child looks into the mirror and says, "God made me special!"
- Encourage them to smile and say one thing they like about how God made them (like "my smile" or "my hands").
Craft: "God Made Me Special Handprint Art"
- Paper.
- Washable paint or crayons/markers.
- Optional: sticker decorations.
- Help children make a handprint on the paper (or trace their hand).
- Write (or help them write): "God made me special!"
- Decorate the handprint with stickers, hearts, or smiley faces.
- Talk about how God made their hands to help and love others.
Song (To the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"):
God made me so special, see,
Eyes and nose and hands and feet.
I can jump and run and play,
God loves me in every way!
God made me so special, see,
I’m as loved as loved can be!
Closing Prayer (Repeat After Me Style):
Dear God,
Thank You for making me special.
Thank You for loving me.
Help me love others too.
Optional Take-Home Note for Parents:
Today we learned that God made each of us special and wonderful! Talk with your child about what makes them special and how much God loves them. Look at their handprint craft and remind them they are God’s wonderful creation!
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