Fruit of the Spirit — Learning to Be Loving, Kind, and Good Sunday School Lesson For Toddlers
Lesson Title:
"Fruit of the Spirit — Learning to Be Loving, Kind, and Good"
Bible Theme:
God wants us to grow good things in our hearts like love, kindness, and joy — just like fruit!
Bible Verse (Toddler Version):
"The Spirit makes love, joy, peace, kindness." — Galatians 5:22 (Toddler-friendly paraphrase)
Main Point to Repeat with Kids:
"I can be loving, kind, and good!"
Story: "The Fruit of the Spirit" (Toddler Version)
God loves us so much that He wants us to have good things growing in our hearts — like love, joy, peace, kindness, and goodness!
We can't see these "fruits" like apples or bananas, but they grow in our hearts when we love God.
When we share, when we say kind words, when we help a friend, we are growing fruit of the Spirit!
Imagine if we had a tree in our hearts — and on that tree grew love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control!
Every time we do something loving or kind, we are growing God's fruit!
So when a friend is sad — we can give them a hug — that's kindness!
When we wait for our turn — that's patience!
When we share toys — that's love!
God helps us grow good fruit in our hearts when we follow Him.
Activity: "Fruit of the Spirit Match Game"
How to Play:
- Show pictures of different fruits (apple, orange, banana, grapes, etc.).
- For each fruit, say one Fruit of the Spirit:
- "Apple is for love!"
- "Banana is for joy!"
- "Grapes are for kindness!"
- Let kids repeat the word and pretend to pick the fruit!
Craft: "Fruit of the Spirit Basket Craft"
- Paper basket cutout.
- Paper fruit cutouts (apple, banana, grapes, orange, etc.).
- Crayons, markers, glue.
- Color the basket and fruits.
- Help kids write or say a Fruit of the Spirit on each fruit (e.g., "Love," "Joy," "Peace").
- Glue the fruits into the basket.
- Talk about how our hearts can be full of good fruit!
Song (To the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell"):
The fruit of the Spirit is love,
The fruit of the Spirit is joy,
The fruit of the Spirit is peace and kind,
God grows them in my heart!
Closing Prayer (Repeat After Me Style):
Dear God,
Thank You for loving me.
Help me grow good fruit in my heart.
Help me be loving, kind, and good.
Optional Take-Home Note for Parents:
Today we learned about the Fruit of the Spirit! God helps us grow love, joy, peace, kindness, and goodness in our hearts. Ask your child to show you their fruit basket craft and talk about ways to be kind and loving this week!
Fruit of the Spirit (Toddler Version):
- Love — I can love others. ❤️
- Joy — I can be happy. 😊
- Peace — I can be calm and not fight. ✌️
- Patience — I can wait my turn. ⏳
- Kindness — I can be nice to others. 💛
- Goodness — I can do what is right. 🌟
- Faithfulness — I can trust God. 🙏
- Gentleness — I can be soft and sweet. 🐑
- Self-Control — I can make good choices. 🛑
Bible Verse for Toddlers (Simple Version):
"God's Spirit makes love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." — Galatians 5:22-23
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