Buddy The Snowman & Skippy's Big Adventure Toddler Sunday School Lesson Plan

Buddy the Snowman and Skippy's Big Adventure
Buddy the Snowman stood proudly in a snowy meadow, his carrot nose pointing toward the sky, and his scarf flapping gently in the winter breeze. Every day, like clockwork, his best friend Skippy the Squirrel would scamper over to say hello.
“Good morning, Buddy!” chirped Skippy one frosty morning, his bushy tail twitching with excitement. “Guess what? I brought my red wagon today!”
“Oh, how exciting!” said Buddy, his twiggy arms waving. “What’s the plan, Skippy?”
“We’re going on an adventure into the woods!” Skippy declared, puffing out his chest. “But don’t worry—I’ve gathered all my squirrel friends to help lift you into the wagon. You’re coming with me!”
Before Buddy could reply, a team of chattering squirrels swarmed around him, lifting him carefully into the wagon. “Hold on tight!” Skippy shouted as he and his friends began pulling the wagon, Buddy wobbling slightly as they moved.
Meeting Mr. Owl
The forest was beautiful, with tall trees dusted in snow and icicles glistening in the sunlight. As the wagon bumped along, Buddy marveled at the sights. “This is amazing! I’ve never seen the forest before.”
“Wait until you meet Mr. Owl,” said Skippy. “He’s the wisest animal in the woods. He knows everything!”
When they reached the big oak tree where Mr. Owl lived, the squirrels called out, “Mr. Owl! Mr. Owl! We’ve brought someone new to meet you!”
With a soft hoot, Mr. Owl flapped down from his perch. His golden eyes twinkled as he looked at Buddy and Skippy. “Well, who do we have here?” he asked.
“This is Buddy the Snowman,” said Skippy. “We’re on an adventure! Do you have any wise words for us today?”
Mr. Owl nodded slowly. “Ah, I do. Let me tell you about the greatest story ever told.”
Buddy and Skippy leaned in close as Mr. Owl began. “There is a God who created everything you see—the snow, the trees, the stars in the sky, and even you, Buddy. He loves you very much. He gave us the Bible to teach us how to live and to show us His love.”
Buddy’s pebble eyes widened. “Really? I’ve never heard of God before.”
Mr. Owl smiled. “God loves everyone, Buddy. He’s always there for us, even when we can’t see Him. And He asks us to love others the way He loves us.”
Skippy’s tail flicked with excitement. “So, God loves me, even though I sometimes forget where I bury my acorns?”
“Exactly,” Mr. Owl chuckled. “His love is bigger than any mistake we could ever make.”
Spreading the Good News
Buddy and Skippy were so amazed by what they’d learned that they couldn’t stop talking about it as the squirrels pulled the wagon deeper into the woods. “We have to tell everyone about this!” said Buddy.
“Great idea!” Skippy said. “Let’s tell our forest friends about God’s love.”
They started with a family of rabbits, who twitched their noses curiously as Buddy explained, “There’s a God who made all this beautiful snow and loves us very much!” The rabbits thumped their feet happily and hopped away to tell others.
Next, they met a group of chipmunks. “Guess what?” Skippy exclaimed. “God loves you, too!” The chipmunks chattered excitedly and scurried off to share the news.
Buddy and Skippy spent the whole day traveling through the forest, spreading the wonderful news of God’s love and left each animal an acorn gift. They talked to deer, foxes, and even a sleepy bear who promised to think about it during his hibernation.
The Lesson of Love
As the sun began to set, Skippy and the squirrels pulled Buddy back to the meadow. “What a day!” Buddy said, his smile as bright as ever. “We met so many new friends, and we learned about something incredible—God’s love.”
Skippy nodded. “And now we get to share that love every day, just like Mr. Owl said!”
Buddy looked at his friend and all the squirrels who had helped him. “You know, Skippy, I think this adventure taught me something important.”
“What’s that?” Skippy asked.
“God’s love is like the snow,” Buddy said thoughtfully. “It covers everything, making the world more beautiful. And just like the snow, it’s meant to be shared.”
The Moral of the Story
The moral of the story is this: God’s love is for everyone, and it grows even more beautiful when we share it with others. No matter who you are—big, small, or even a snowman—you can be part of God’s big plan by spreading kindness and love.
From that day on, Buddy and Skippy continued their adventures, making sure every creature in the forest knew about the God who loved them so much. And their joy, just like the snow, seemed to blanket the whole world.
1. Build-a-Wagon Craft
Shoeboxes or small cardboard boxes
Crayons, stickers, and markers for decorating
String for pulling the “wagon”
Let the toddlers decorate their shoebox wagon to resemble Skippy’s red wagon.
After decorating, they can “load” it with small snowman cutouts, acorns (real or paper), or other forest animal figures.
Encourage them to “pull” their wagon around the room, pretending they’re taking Buddy on an adventure.
Lesson Connection: Emphasizes teamwork and excitement in sharing God’s love, just like Skippy and the squirrels worked together to take Buddy on their journey.
2. Snowman and Squirrel Matching Game
Our printable memory card game with pictures of snowman, squirrel, owl, forest animals, wagon, forest, sleep bear, Bible, etc.
Lay the cards face down. Toddlers take turns flipping two cards at a time, trying to find matches.
When they make a match, talk about how the picture relates to the story. For example:
Mr. Owl: “Shared About God's Love”
Skippy: “Took Buddy On An Adventure!”
Lesson Connection: Reinforces key elements of the story and encourages memory skills.
3. Squirrel Acorn Toss Game
Small beanbags or brown paper balls to represent acorns
A bucket or basket (label it "Forest Friends")
Pretend the toddlers are squirrels helping Skippy. Let them toss the "acorns" into the bucket, representing the forest friends they’re sharing with.
Add a challenge by saying “Share the acorns with 3 friends!” and placing multiple buckets at different distances.
Lesson Connection: Highlights sharing and helping others, as Skippy did with his forest friends.
4. Snowman Handprint Craft
Blue construction paper
White paint
Markers or crayons
Have toddlers dip their hands in white paint and press them onto the paper to make a “snowman.” The fingers can be arms, or use additional handprints for a larger snowman.
Once dry, decorate with a scarf, buttons, and a carrot nose.
Write “God’s love makes us smile!” on the paper.
Lesson Connection: Ties in Buddy’s joyful personality and reminds toddlers of God’s love.
5. Forest Adventure Obstacle Course
Pillows, chairs, or pool noodles for obstacles
A wagon or toy box to represent Skippy’s red wagon
Set up an obstacle course to represent Skippy and the squirrels’ journey through the forest. For example:
Crawl under a “tree” (a chair with a blanket over it).
Jump over “logs” (pool noodles).
Deliver an “acorn” or snowball (beanbag) to a “forest friend” (a stuffed animal).
Lesson Connection: Makes the adventure interactive and teaches perseverance and helping others.
6. Forest Friends Finger Puppets
Paper or felt
Markers, googly eyes, and glue
Craft sticks or finger puppet templates
Help the toddlers make finger puppets of Buddy, Skippy, Mr. Owl, and other forest animals.
Use the puppets to retell the story or create their own adventures.
Lesson Connection: Encourages creativity and reinforces the message of sharing God’s love.
7. God’s Love Snowflake Craft
Coffee filters or white paper
Scissors (adult use for cutting)
Crayons, markers, or glitter
Help toddlers fold and cut simple snowflakes (or pre-cut them).
Write words like “Love,” “Share,” and “Joy” on the snowflakes. Let the toddlers decorate them.
Hang the snowflakes in the room to create a “blizzard of love.”
Lesson Connection: Symbolizes God’s love blanketing the world, just like snow in the story.
8. Wise Owl Sorting Game
Small containers or baskets labeled with different categories (e.g., "God’s Love," "Forest Animals," "Adventures")
Picture cards or objects (e.g., Bible for “God’s Love,” acorns for “Forest Animals”).
Pretend to be Mr. Owl, sorting the objects into the right baskets.
As they sort, talk about how Mr. Owl shared his wisdom about God’s love and the Bible.
Lesson Connection: Reinforces the idea of learning and sharing wisdom, like Mr. Owl.
9. Friendship Prayer Circle
A large blanket to sit on
A plush snowman or squirrel toy to pass around
Sit in a circle and pass the toy around.
Whoever holds the toy says something they are thankful for or prays for a friend. If they’re too shy, the teacher can help.
End by praying together, thanking God for love and friendship.
Lesson Connection: Encourages gratitude and sharing love, just as Buddy and Skippy did.
10. "Spread the Love" Scavenger Hunt
Small heart shapes or paper snowflakes with words like “Love” and “Joy” written on them. Or you could buy our wood snowflakes and use a black crayon to write the words on them instead. We have 3 inch snowflakes, 2 inch snowflakes and 1 inch snowflakes. We also 1 inch hearts and 1 1/2 inch hearts. (we offer other sizes too)
Hidden around the room or play area
Toddlers “find” the hearts and snowflakes, pretending they’re sharing love with forest friends.
Gather everyone together at the end to talk about how God’s love is something we share with everyone.
Lesson Connection: Highlights the importance of spreading God’s love wherever we go, just like Buddy and Skippy.
These activities will bring the story to life, reinforce its message, and keep toddlers engaged and excited!
You can download the PDF lesson plan, coloring page and cutout craft activity to go with this at this link: CLICK HERE
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